
William H. "Bill" Elwood - オンライン・メモリアル・ウェブサイト

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William H. "Bill" Elwood
84 years
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Janet Walsh Friend February 29, 2012
Our thoughts and prayers are with you your entire family.  Although we never met Mr. Elwood - he must have been a great man to raise such a wonderful family.  May God be with you and your family to provide comfort and strength during this difficult time. 
With our deepest sympathy,
Janet, Kevin, and Chris Walsh
Yales Family February 28, 2012
May God be with your family. Our deepest sympathy.
Dee Snow friend February 28, 2012
Flo and family.....I send my love and sympathy with fond memories of you.  May the Holy Spirit comfort you. 
Pam Townsend Thinking of your family February 28, 2012
You are in our thoughts & prayers.  May you have God's peace.
弔辞合計: 4
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